UAD Luna Now Supports iCON DAW Controllers

Universal Audio has finally added control surface support in their free DAW Luna. Click HERE for the setup information on the UAD website. Note thatĀ VPOT mode & plug-in controls are not yet implemented in LUNA. […]

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DP11 Offers Improved Integration With Digital Performer

Hey, Digital Performer users have been very vocal about their desire for improved iCON control surface support, so we got together with our friends at Mark of the Unicorn, to make their wishes come true. The DP11 update offers improved support for all iCON DAW controllers. Here are some tutorial videos to get you going.Ā  […]

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Jason Peterson DeLaire – Love Can Heal The World

“Love Can Heal the World” was inspired by the civil unrest in Minneapolis, summer 2020. This song is a response to asking the question, “What Can We Do?” to create some healing using music as the vehicle to inspire unity and peace. The song was written and performed by third generation of Petersons in Minneapolis […]

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Updating QCon Pro X to New DAW Selection Mode

IMPORTANT UPDATE INFORMATION:Ā Universal DAW Mode is now available for QCon Pro X If you have purchased a QCon Pro X control surface, and are using any factory or user installed firmware before v1.18, then you are using the original QCON PRO X DAW selection mode. That is to say that there is a specific selection […]

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