Platform Nano Now Available Worldwide

Following a successful showcase at the 2019 NAMM Show in Anaheim, California, iCon Pro Audio is proud to announce availability of Platform Nano, an aptly-named addition to its critically-acclaimed modular Platform series of MIDI/audio control surfaces (and associated add-ons), this time aimed at engineers, home studio enthusiasts, and producers who want hands-on control of their ‘in the box’ digital music production with a small footprint.

Weighing in at an easily transportable 1.3kg/2.8lb, the compact — 19.5 cm/7.8” (W) x 21.5 cm/8.5” (D) x 5.5 cm/2.1” (H) — Platform Nano neatly lives up to its name to bring tactile control to the most popular DAWs (Digital Audio Workstations) with a single, full-size, touch- sensitive motorized fader (with 10-bit resolution) alongside an accessible selection of hands-on controls logically laid out across a top panel that’s as easy on the eye as it is to use, including four rotary dual-function (rotate-and-enter) encoder knobs (generally used for controlling the track pan position, aux send levels, and EQ of the DAW being controlled), while an 11-segment LED (Light Emitting Diode) surrounds the main knob control to indicate its rotating position; a Jog shuttle wheel, for fast search, scrub, and control; eight colour- coded function buttons coordinating with five different colour layers, for switching a variety of function controls; illuminated buttons for channel control, including Mute, Solo, and record; six illuminated transport buttons, including play, stop, record, rewind, fast-forward, and loop; illuminated Zoom buttons with two directional (left/right and up/down) keys, for use in combination with the Jog wheel; two illuminated track buttons, for easy selection of individual channels; and two illuminated bank buttons, for shifting groups of eight channels at a time.

Testament to iCON Pro Audio’s acuity, Platform Nano does this as a durable desktop design delivering high-speed connectivity via a USB 3 Type B connector — which functions as a MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) port to the connected computer and compatible software, while also providing power to the Platform Nano itself — without compromising its inherently security-conscious, superior build quality, courtesy of a robust metal casing with inbuilt Kensington lock.

Aided by a backlit LCD (Liquid Crystal Display), for showing the parameter values as adjusted, and also providing feedback about channel selections, operating modes, and more, Platform Nano naturally supports MCU (Mackie Control Universal) and HUI (Human User Interface) protocols for seamless integration with all compatible music production software. Indeed, it comes complete with overlays for the most popular DAWs, including Ableton Live, Audition, Bitwig, Cubase/Nuendo, Digital Performer, FL Studio, Logic Pro X, Pro Tools, Reaper, Reason, Samplitude, Sonar, and Studio One, as well as a self-explanatory User Define one.

Obviously not content with ‘universal’ DAW compatibility, iCON Pro Audio also includes its proprietary iMap MIDI-mapping software for the user-defined (MIDI Learn) mode, making mapping MIDI functions to Platform Nano’s helpful hands-on controls a breeze. As such, adventurous users could conceivably assign that motorized fader or those encoder knobs to control specific virtual instrument or effect plug-in functions for lending a less automated aesthetic to their productions.

Platform Nano stylistically sits well when positioned alongside other Platform family members, such as the Platform U22 (ProDrive III), a 24- bit, 96/192kHz 2-in/2-out USB 3.0 audio interface designed to match other Platform series devices. Future firmware upgrades are available via USB, including wireless USB over BlueTooth connectivity courtesy of the coming-soon (optional) PN-1 module that can also provide (rechargeable battery) power when connected to the Platform Nano’s rear-sited Power/Recharge (Recha). Mini-USB connector.

Remaining rearward, User A and User B 1/4-inch inputs allow for DAW function selection via connected foot switches, while it is recommended that Platform Nano is used with the (optional) Platform D2 modular display unit connected to the D/D2 port for optimal track and parameter monitoring via its large LCD.

Larger and smaller optional additions apart, any engineer, home studio enthusiast, or producer who wants hands-on control of their ‘in the box’ digital music production with a small footprint should surely seriously consider iCON Pro Audio’s aptly-named Platform Nano. Needless to say, its diminutive dimensions bely its impressive MIDI/audio control capabilities!

iCON Audio’s class-compliant Platform Nano is available through the company’s growing global network of distributors, affordably priced at $229.99 USD.

Windows XP, Vista (32-bit), Windows 7 (32- and 64-bit), Windows 8 (32- and 64-bit), Windows 10 (64-bit), and Mac OS X

For more in-depth info, please visit the dedicated Platform Nano webpage here:

2 thoughts on “Platform Nano Now Available Worldwide

  1. Hi My name is Jason Sambolin and I am very interested in some of your products that I have seen on YouTube at 2020 Namm, but I can’t seem to find them. I’m looking for Platform Nano “Air” (wireless) with Platform D3 oled display.

    My questions are:
    1) Where can I get these products
    2) Are they compatible with An 2018 IPad Pro (IOS 13.3.1) Running Cubasis 3.
    3) If compatible is the Daw selection setting on the Nano Air for Cubasis-(IOS) the same as Cubase-(IOSX)? Meaning when I hit the buttons that are pre configured on the Nano Air? for Cubase will they do the same thing in Cubasis?
    4)If not Will you guys be Making a separate Daw configuration just for Cubasis?
    5) Will Platform D-3 (Oled Display) work with existing Platform X+?
    6) I’m asking because from what I gathered from watching your rep at Namm 2020 was that the Platform Nano and Nano air would be compatible with Platform X+ as add ons, so you can control more tracks.
    7) Will the Platform B+ work with Nano air as well?
    8) The module that sends Bluetooth midi signals to your computer can this be added to the other “platforms” like the (B+,X+)?
    9) I see you make templets that show you what functions the button do depending on the Daw you are using at that time. If you do make a new Daw setting in your “Platform Nano Air” and Platform B+ for Cubasis will you also make one to go for it as well?
    10) if get my hands on let’s a Platform Nano/X+/B+ Will your new “Hub” work with 2018 IPad Pro

    Sorry about the amount of questions but I looked everywhere and can not find anymore info about your gear. Thank you very much for taking your time and answering my questions and getting back so quickly. It’s very much appreciated.
    Jason Sambolin

    1. 1) Where can I get these products
      Platform Nano Air and D3 display are all coming late summer. Actual availability date will be determined by your location.

      2) Are they compatible with An 2018 IPad Pro (IOS 13.3.1) Running Cubasis 3.
      Cubasis does not yet support Mackie Control Protocol, so unfortunately, no. Steinberg tells us they will add MCP in a later version of Cubasis.

      3) If compatible is the Daw selection setting on the Nano Air for Cubasis-(IOS) the same as Cubase-(IOSX)? Meaning when I hit the buttons that are pre configured on the Nano Air? for Cubase will they do the same thing in Cubasis?
      See above.

      4)If not Will you guys be Making a separate Daw configuration just for Cubasis?
      See above.

      5) Will Platform D-3 (Oled Display) work with existing Platform X+?
      Theoretically, yes, however, it will be too short for the Platform X+. You won’t be happy with the way the D3 lines up with the channels on the X+. You will do better to stick with your Platform D2.

      6) I’m asking because from what I gathered from watching your rep at Namm 2020 was that the Platform Nano and Nano air would be compatible with Platform X+ as add ons, so you can control more tracks.
      This is true.

      7) Will the Platform B+ work with Nano air as well?
      Platform B+ hasn’t been tested with Platform Nano Air as yet. Platform Nano allows you to control plugins, EQ, sends, etc. So the B+ might be redundant. It is possible theoretically to use B+ as a standalone device, and use in in conjunction with Platform Nano, but we suspect this would be clunky, and inelegant. You’ll be better off using PlatformNano by itself.

      8) The module that sends Bluetooth midi signals to your computer can this be added to the other “platforms” like the (B+,X+)?
      Not yet.

      9) I see you make templets that show you what functions the button do depending on the Daw you are using at that time. If you do make a new Daw setting in your “Platform Nano Air” and Platform B+ for Cubasis will you also make one to go for it as well?
      That depends on the mapping for Cubasis and how much it differs from Cubase and Nuendo. But again, since Cubasis doesn’t yet support Mackie Control Protocol, there is no way to know the answer to this.

      10) if get my hands on let’s a Platform Nano/X+/B+ Will your new “Hub” work with 2018 IPad Pro
      Do you mean the OneHub? iPad Pro does not have USB 3.0 input. You *may* be able to use an adapter, but this seems like it might cause real problems. This is a configuration we’ll have to test in the future.

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